Results | | | | Arisman, area B. Mould (Sialk III period) | | | | | | Area B. Painted pottery of the Sialk III period | | | | | | Area C. General view of trenches | | | | | | Area C. Pithos grave of the Sialk IV-period | |
Arisman was occupied from the first half of the 4th to the early 3rd mill. BC. The oldest occupation of the so-called "Sialk IV period" (first half - middle of 4th mill. BC) consists of domestic houses constructed from pisé, excavated in area B. Shortly after that, workshops existed in the ruins of these houses. Five pottery kilns demonstrate the technological skills of the time, when humans managed to conduct pottery firing at specific temperatures. The kilns are round with one combustion channel at one side. A column in the middle supported an intermediate floor, on which the pottery was stacked. The workshop dumps also contained waste from the copper- and silver production, such as crucibles, moulds and cupels. The installations where these materials were processed must have existed nearby, but were not located during the excavations.
The later occpuation of the so-called "Sialk IV period" (c. 3000 BC) was exposed in area C. It consists of densely arranged, urban layout mudbrick houses. The brick format, the pottery and the seals demonstrate the cultural affiliation of Arisman with the Proto-Elamite culture. Metal worskshops for the processing of copper and silver, such as large fire platforms, existed inside the houses. The copper used there to be cast in ingots, aes or other artifacts was first smelted in furnaces located the edge of the settlement.
These furnaces are an important technological innovation introduced during the Proto-Elamite period. The allow for the large-scale production of copper. The slag heaps in areas A, D and E are related to furnace smelting and consist of about 180 tons of slag. In area A, the respective furnace was exposed: it is a small mudbrick platform wih a depression in the middle. The upper part of the furnace had to be constructed anew for every single smelting process and was covered with clay plaster. This furnace is one of the latest features exposed at arisman. It dates to the first half of the 3rd mill. BC. It is contemporaneous with the latest usage of the houses area C as a graveyard. There, the dead were deposited in large storage jars, and were accompagnied with beads and copper ornaments. |
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سلام تو سایت در مورد عروسی های بعد محرم و صفر یه مطلب گذاشته جالبه برید بخونید و در موردش تحلیل کنین و بررسی کنید .!!
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